A shooting incident occurred in Delhi's Farsh Bazar on the evening of October 31, resulting in the deaths of Akash (40) and his nephew Rishab (16), while Akash's son, Krish (10), was injured. The incident is believed to be due to personal enmity, as reported by the Delhi Police.
Yogesh, the brother of Akash and father of Rishab, recounted the events leading up to the shooting. He mentioned that the incident happened around 7:30 or 8:00 pm. Two individuals were involved: one on a two-wheeler, identified as his nephew, and another pedestrian, who was unknown to him. The shooting was carried out by the person accompanying his nephew. There was a previous money dispute involving Akash.
The police have detained a minor based on CCTV footage, and questioning is ongoing. The investigation revealed that the murder was planned 17 days prior, and there was an ongoing money dispute between the deceased and the accused. The Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Shahdara, Prashant Gautam, confirmed that a PCR call was received around 8:30 pm, and upon arrival, the police found Akash, Rishab, and Krish had been shot. Five rounds were fired during the incident.
The mother of Akash recounted that a man named Lakshay had been visiting their lane for several days. On the day of the incident, he brought a box of sweets and asked her to come downstairs. While her son was preparing to burst firecrackers, shots were fired, resulting in the tragic deaths.
Farsh Bazar is a place in Delhi, which is the capital city of India. It's like a neighborhood or area where people live and work.
Personal enmity means that there was a personal disagreement or fight between people. It could be because of arguments or problems they had with each other.
CCTV footage is video recorded by cameras that are used for security. These cameras help to see what happened in a place, like a video of the shooting.
DCP stands for Deputy Commissioner of Police, which is a high-ranking police officer. Shahdara is a district in Delhi, and the DCP is responsible for law and order there.
Rounds fired means the number of bullets that were shot from a gun. In this case, five bullets were fired during the shooting.
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