A shooting incident occurred in Delhi's Farsh Bazar on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of Akash (40) and his nephew Rishab (16), while Akash's son, Krish (10), was injured. The Delhi Police suspect personal enmity as the motive.
The shooting took place on the eve of Diwali in Shahdara. Akash's mother recounted that a man named Lakshay had been visiting their area and brought sweets to their home. During the incident, shots were fired, leading to the tragic outcome.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Shahdara, Prashant Gautam, reported that a PCR call was received around 8:30 pm, alerting them to the shooting. Upon arrival, the police found Akash, Rishab, and Krish had been shot. Akash and Rishab succumbed to their injuries.
A minor has been detained based on CCTV footage, and questioning is underway. The police revealed that there were previous cases against both the deceased and the detained minor. The murder was allegedly planned 17 days prior, with a dispute over money being a possible motive.
Farsh Bazar is a place in Delhi, which is the capital city of India. It's like a neighborhood or area where people live and work.
Diwali eve is the day before Diwali, which is a big festival in India. People celebrate it with lights, sweets, and fireworks.
Personal enmity means having a strong dislike or hatred towards someone. It can lead to fights or arguments.
A minor is a person who is not yet an adult, usually under 18 years old. In India, minors are treated differently by the law.
A Deputy Commissioner is a high-ranking police officer. They help manage and oversee police work in a certain area.
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