In Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, a devastating fire claimed the lives of three family members, including a woman and two children, following an explosion in three gas cylinders at a general store and residence in Ulwe. The incident occurred on Wednesday evening.
The shopkeeper, Ramesh, was injured and is currently receiving treatment at a hospital. Unfortunately, his wife, Manju, and their two children did not survive the incident. The Additional Commissioner of Police (ACP) of Navi Mumbai reported that the fire broke out at Ramesh's residence and Kirana store.
Police and fire officials responded promptly to the scene. The ACP explained that the fire was caused by the explosion of two small 5 kg cylinders and one 12 kg cylinder. Ramesh, originally from Rajasthan, had been living in Mumbai with his family. Chief Fire Officer Vijay Rane stated that the fire was extinguished with the help of two fire tenders, and the injured were taken to Apollo Hospital by locals. The exact cause of the explosion is still under investigation.
Further updates on the situation are awaited.
Navi Mumbai is a city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is located near Mumbai, which is one of the biggest cities in India.
A gas cylinder is a container that holds gas, like LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), which is used for cooking in many homes. If not handled properly, it can be dangerous and cause explosions.
Ulwe is a locality in Navi Mumbai. It is a developing area with many new buildings and shops.
A shopkeeper is a person who owns or manages a small store or shop. In this case, Ramesh is the shopkeeper of the general store where the explosion happened.
Authorities refer to the people or organizations that have the power to make decisions and enforce laws, like the police or fire department. They are responsible for investigating incidents like this fire.
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