A devastating fire broke out at the under-construction Lotus Grandeur banquet hall in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, early on Wednesday morning. The incident occurred around 3:30 AM in Sector 74, resulting in the tragic death of an electrician named Parminder.
According to the police, 15 fire tenders arrived at the scene within ten minutes to combat the blaze. Despite their swift response, the large structure made it challenging to extinguish the fire quickly. Noida DCP Ram Badan Singh confirmed that the fire has been brought under control, but the exact cause remains unknown. Further investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the fire.
The incident has left the community in shock, mourning the loss of Parminder, who was working as an electrician at the site. Authorities are working diligently to uncover more details about the incident.
Lotus Grandeur is the name of a banquet hall that was being built in Noida, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. Banquet halls are large spaces used for hosting events like weddings and parties.
Noida is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is part of the National Capital Region (NCR) and is known for its modern infrastructure and as a hub for IT and business.
An electrician is a person who works with electrical systems, installing and repairing wiring and equipment. In this incident, the electrician named Parminder was working at the site when the fire occurred.
Fire tenders are vehicles used by firefighters to carry water and equipment to put out fires. In this case, 15 fire tenders were used to control the fire at the banquet hall.
Investigations are processes where authorities try to find out what happened and why. Here, they are trying to understand how the fire started at the banquet hall.
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