In a heartbreaking incident in New Delhi, a 5-year-old boy named Sagar lost his life after being electrocuted by decorative Diwali lights. The incident occurred on Tuesday night in Radha Vihar, Mukundpur, Delhi.
Sagar's father, Santosh, reported that his landlord, Sarjur Shah, had installed the decorative lights on the roof of their house. Around 7:00 pm, Sagar's mother discovered the tragic accident and informed Santosh.
The family rushed Sagar to several hospitals, including Venkatesh Multi-speciality Hospital, New Life Hospital, and New Next Hospital, before finally reaching Fortis Hospital in Shalimar Bagh. Unfortunately, Sagar was declared dead at 10:38 pm.
The Delhi Police have registered a case under sections 287, 106(1) BNS (285, 304A IPC) at the Bhalswa Dairy police station.
Electrocuted means getting a harmful or deadly shock from electricity. It can happen if someone touches something that has electricity running through it, like a wire or a light.
Diwali lights are special lights used during the festival of Diwali, which is a big festival in India. People decorate their homes with these lights to celebrate the festival of lights.
A landlord is a person who owns a house or building and rents it out to other people to live in. In this case, Sarjur Shah is the landlord who put up the Diwali lights.
Fortis Hospital is a well-known hospital in India where people go to get medical treatment. It is one of the places where Sagar was taken for help.
Delhi Police is the police force responsible for maintaining law and order in Delhi, the capital city of India. They investigate incidents like this accident to find out what happened.
Bhalswa Dairy police station is a specific police station in Delhi. It's where the police registered the case about Sagar's accident to start their investigation.
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