In a heartwarming gesture inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, top Indian defence leaders are celebrating Diwali with troops stationed in various parts of the country. Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan is joining the festivities with troops at the Andaman and Nicobar Command in Port Blair. Indian Army Chief General Upendra Dwivedi is in Arunachal Pradesh, celebrating with soldiers alongside Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh Tripathi is marking the festival with naval personnel in Porbandar, Gujarat, a region known for its strategic importance due to activities from the Pakistan side and contraband smuggling. Indian Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal AP Singh is celebrating with troops in the Jammu and Kashmir sector.
Prime Minister Modi has a tradition of celebrating Diwali with troops in forward areas, and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has also started the practice of performing 'shastra pooja' or worship of arms with troops during Dussehra. This tradition began in 2019 when he traveled to France to receive the first Rafale jet for the Indian Air Force. Senior officers, including the Army Chief, have also celebrated Dussehra with troops in Sikkim and West Bengal.
Defence leaders are important people in charge of the military forces of a country. In India, they include the heads of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Diwali is a popular festival in India, also known as the Festival of Lights. People celebrate it by lighting lamps, bursting crackers, and sharing sweets.
The Chief of Defence Staff is the top military officer in India who helps coordinate between the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Port Blair is the capital city of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which are part of India and located in the Bay of Bengal.
Arunachal Pradesh is a state in the northeastern part of India, known for its beautiful mountains and forests.
Porbandar is a coastal city in the Indian state of Gujarat, known as the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi.
Jammu and Kashmir is a region in the northern part of India, known for its beautiful landscapes and mountains.
Shastra Pooja is a traditional ceremony where weapons are worshipped, usually done by soldiers to seek blessings for their safety and success.
Dussehra is a Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil, often marked by the burning of effigies of the demon king Ravana.
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