Tibetans in Shimla Celebrate ‘Thank You USA’ Ceremony for Resolve Tibet Act Signed by President Joe Biden

Tibetans in Shimla Celebrate ‘Thank You USA’ Ceremony for Resolve Tibet Act Signed by President Joe Biden

Tibetans in Shimla Celebrate ‘Thank You USA’ Ceremony

Grand Event at Sambhota Tibetan School

The Tibetan community in Shimla organized a grand ceremony at the Sambhota Tibetan School to express their gratitude to the United States and President Joe Biden for enacting the ‘Resolve Tibet Act’. This act calls for a peaceful resolution to the Tibet-China dispute.

Traditional Celebrations

During the event, Tibetan students, elders, and others performed traditional dances, including the circle dance (Gorshey). The celebration was held on a special Wednesday, which is considered the birth of the Dalai Lama according to the Tibetan lunar calendar.

Speeches and Gratitude

Tsewang Phuntsok, Chief Representative Officer of the Central Tibetan Administration in Shimla, highlighted the importance of the act in sending a strong message to China and encouraging dialogue with the Dalai Lama. He called the act a landmark for the Tibetan issue, being the first of its kind signed by any country in the past seven decades.

Tibetan freedom activist Tenzin Palden and young activist Dawa Choedon also expressed their gratitude to the US and emphasized the significance of the act in their freedom struggle. They believe it will help enforce China to recognize and resolve the issues faced by Tibetans.

Historic Milestone

The Tibetan community views the signing of the ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ as a historic milestone. They are hopeful that this will lead to greater international support and pressure on China to address the Tibet issue peacefully.

Doubts Revealed

Tibetans -: Tibetans are people from Tibet, a region in Asia. They have their own unique culture and traditions.

Shimla -: Shimla is a city in India, located in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is known for its beautiful hills and cool weather.

Thank You USA -: ‘Thank You USA’ is a ceremony where people show their appreciation to the United States of America for helping them.

Resolve Tibet Act -: The ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ is a law signed by the US President to help find a peaceful solution to the problems between Tibet and China.

President Joe Biden -: Joe Biden is the President of the United States of America. He is the leader of the country and makes important decisions.

Sambhota Tibetan School -: Sambhota Tibetan School is a school in Shimla where Tibetan children study. It is named after Sambhota, who created the Tibetan script.

Tibet-China dispute -: The Tibet-China dispute is a conflict between Tibet and China. Tibet wants more freedom, but China controls the region.

Traditional dances -: Traditional dances are special dances that are part of a culture’s heritage. Tibetans have their own unique dances that they perform during celebrations.

Tibetan leaders -: Tibetan leaders are important people in the Tibetan community who guide and make decisions for their people.

Historic milestone -: A historic milestone is an important event in history that marks a significant achievement or change.

International community -: The international community refers to all the countries and people around the world. It means the global society.

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