Bharatiya Janata Party MP Tejasvi Surya has called for the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on the Waqf Amendment Bill to address concerns of farmers in Karnataka. These farmers have reportedly received notices claiming their land as Waqf property. Surya has requested the JPC Chairperson, Jagdambika Pal, to invite affected farmers as witnesses and conduct a public hearing in the region.
However, Karnataka's Minister for Waqf and Minority Affairs, Zameer Ahmad Khan, disputes these claims. He assures that no farmer's land will be taken and criticizes the BJP for politicizing the issue ahead of elections. Khan emphasizes that the Waqf Adalat has been ongoing for months across various districts, not just due to upcoming elections.
The controversy has sparked a political clash between Congress and BJP, with the Chief Minister affirming that no eviction notices have been issued to farmers and none will be evicted from their long-held properties.
Tejasvi Surya is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India. He represents the Bangalore South constituency in Karnataka.
Waqf is a religious endowment in Islam, where property is donated for religious or charitable purposes. In India, Waqf properties are managed by Waqf Boards.
A Joint Parliamentary Committee is a group of members from both houses of the Indian Parliament. They come together to discuss and examine specific issues or bills.
The Waqf Amendment Bill is a proposed change to the existing laws governing Waqf properties in India. It aims to address issues related to the management and claims of Waqf lands.
Karnataka is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its diverse culture, technology hubs like Bangalore, and rich history.
Zameer Ahmad Khan is a politician in Karnataka and a minister in the state government. He is involved in addressing the concerns related to Waqf land claims.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is currently the ruling party at the national level.
The Chief Minister is the head of the government in an Indian state. They are responsible for the administration and governance of the state.
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