Taiwan Court Sentences Retired Officers for Spying for China

Taiwan Court Sentences Retired Officers for Spying for China

Taiwan Court Sentences Retired Officers for Spying for China

The Taipei District Court has sentenced three retired officers from Taiwan’s Military Intelligence Bureau (MIB) for forming a spy ring to collect sensitive information for China. The court’s verdicts can still be appealed.


Former Major General Yueh Chih-chung was sentenced to 10 months in jail. Retired Colonel Chang Chao-jan received a prison term of 18 months, and ex-Colonel Chou Tien-tzu was sentenced to 14 months. Ex-Colonel Wang Ta-wang was found not guilty.

Details of the Case

According to prosecutors, Chang, Chou, and Yueh benefited from China for their business and were invited on free trips. A national security official in Guangdong, China, instructed them to form a spy ring and collect secret information from Taiwan. Chang was accused of arranging a trip to China for Wang, who revealed personal background information about colleagues to Chinese officials.

Additional Sentences

On August 30, the Taiwanese Supreme Court sentenced a father and son duo to eight years in prison for enticing active military officers to pass on secret information about the annual Han Kuang drills to China. The Supreme Court rejected final appeals on August 29. The duo, surnamed Huang, recruited two officers in separate air defense and missile units, Yeh and Su, and passed on eight secret documents about the Han Kuang exercises.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island near China. It has its own government and is known for its technology and electronics.

Court -: A court is a place where legal cases are heard and decisions are made by judges.

Retired Officers -: Retired officers are people who used to work in the military but have now stopped working.

Spying -: Spying means secretly collecting information about someone or something, usually for a government.

China -: China is a large country in Asia, known for its long history and big population.

Taipei District Court -: The Taipei District Court is a legal place in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, where judges make decisions on cases.

Military Intelligence Bureau -: The Military Intelligence Bureau is a part of the military that collects and analyzes information to help protect the country.

Major General -: A Major General is a high-ranking officer in the military.

Colonel -: A Colonel is also a high-ranking officer in the military, but lower than a Major General.

Spy Ring -: A spy ring is a group of people who work together to collect secret information.

Sensitive Information -: Sensitive information is important and secret information that should not be shared with others.

Military Drills -: Military drills are practice exercises that soldiers do to prepare for real situations.

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