Student Vani Awasthi Electrocuted at Delhi Coaching Centre Amid Flooding

Student Vani Awasthi Electrocuted at Delhi Coaching Centre Amid Flooding

Student Vani Awasthi Electrocuted at Delhi Coaching Centre Amid Flooding

Vani Awasthi, a student at a coaching centre in Delhi, was electrocuted due to waterlogging caused by fresh rains. The incident happened when she used a biometric machine to register her attendance. She was initially treated at Safdarjung Hospital and later moved to a private hospital in Bareilly.

Details of the Incident

Dr. Sudeep Saran explained that Vani suffered the electric shock while using the biometric machine installed on an iron gate. She fell unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. After gaining consciousness, she was transferred to Bareilly for further treatment.

Current Condition

Dr. Saran mentioned that Vani’s condition is improving with counseling and medication. She can now speak properly but still gets alarmed. It will take some time for her to return to normal, and doctors are monitoring if the incident has impacted her intelligence level.

Eyewitness Account

Shweta, an eyewitness, confirmed that the biometric machine was installed on an iron gate and that Vani was electrocuted after touching it. Following the incident, the biometric machine was removed, and the library was shut down and is being relocated.

Doubts Revealed

Electrocuted -: Electrocuted means getting a harmful or deadly shock from electricity. It can happen if you touch something that has electric current flowing through it.

Delhi -: Delhi is the capital city of India. It is a big city with many people, schools, and businesses.

Coaching Centre -: A coaching centre is a place where students go to get extra help with their studies, like tuition classes.

Waterlogging -: Waterlogging happens when there is too much water on the ground, usually because of heavy rain, and it doesn’t drain away quickly.

Biometric Machine -: A biometric machine is a device that uses physical characteristics like fingerprints to identify people. It is often used for attendance.

Safdarjung Hospital -: Safdarjung Hospital is a big hospital in Delhi where people go to get medical treatment.

Bareilly -: Bareilly is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for its culture and history.

Counseling -: Counseling is talking to a trained person to get help with your feelings and problems. It can make you feel better.

Medication -: Medication means medicines that doctors give to help you get better when you are sick.

Library -: A library is a place where you can read and borrow books. It is usually quiet and a good place to study.

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