On January 11, BJP leader Smriti Irani spoke at the launch of 'Her Skill, Her Future: Empowering 100,000 Widows' in New Delhi. This initiative, supported by the Loomba Foundation, aims to provide widows with skills and resources for sustainable livelihoods. Irani emphasized that women are not victims but have the strength to overcome challenges. She highlighted the importance of international days like the International Day of Non-Violence, Yoga, and Widows, acknowledging Lord Loomba's role in establishing the International Day of Widows. These days promote human potential, justice, and non-violence.
Irani, Vice President of The Loomba Foundation, expressed pride in working with President Cherie Blair on this initiative, which seeks economic independence and social equity for widows. Founded in 1997, The Loomba Foundation has supported over 20,000 widows in countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya. In 2016, Prime Minister Modi launched a project to empower 5,000 widows in Varanasi.
Smriti Irani is an Indian politician and a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She has held various important positions in the Indian government.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the two major political parties in India. It is known for its nationalist policies.
'Her Skill, Her Future' is a program aimed at helping widows by teaching them new skills so they can earn a living and support themselves.
Widows are women whose husbands have passed away. In many societies, they face challenges in supporting themselves and their families.
The Loomba Foundation is an organization that works to support widows around the world. It was founded by Lord Raj Loomba, an Indian-born British philanthropist.
Cherie Blair is a British lawyer and the wife of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. She is involved in various charitable activities, including supporting widows.
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