Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Launches Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Security Data Platform

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Launches Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Security Data Platform

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Launches Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Security Data Platform

Abu Dhabi, UAE – Under the guidance of Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has introduced the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Security Data Platform. This advanced electronic gateway provides comprehensive information on agriculture and food sectors in Abu Dhabi, aiding in decision-making for food security and agriculture issues.

Key Features of the Platform

The platform offers accurate data on agricultural production, distribution, and consumption. It helps policymakers improve food security policies and develop a sustainable food system. The platform also supports rapid response to food security threats and biosecurity risks.

Support and Collaboration

Saeed Al Bahri Salem Al Ameri, Director-General of ADAFSA, highlighted the importance of the platform in promoting innovation in food security. He appreciated Sheikh Mansour’s support, which reflects the leadership’s vision for stability and prosperity. The platform was developed with data from 16 strategic partners, ensuring comprehensive data management and governance.

Monitoring and Alerts

The platform monitors over 335 indicators related to food security, enabling early action to prevent supply chain disruptions. It collects data on local agricultural production, trade, investment, food loss, and waste rates. It also provides real-time updates, analytical reports, and future forecasts to aid in planning and addressing food and biosecurity threats.

The platform includes a warning system for local, regional, and global risks, activating alerts for changes in food prices, production levels, weather, and diseases. This ensures accurate analysis and preparedness for food emergencies and crises.

Doubts Revealed

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan -: Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan is a leader from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He is part of the royal family and holds important positions in the government.

Abu Dhabi -: Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is a very important city in the country.

Agriculture and Food Security Data Platform -: This is a special tool that collects and shows information about farming and food. It helps people make good decisions to ensure there is enough food for everyone.

Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) -: ADAFSA is a government organization in Abu Dhabi. It works to make sure that farming and food are safe and healthy.

Indicators -: Indicators are pieces of information or data that show how well something is working. In this case, they show how well the farming and food systems are doing.

Real-time updates -: Real-time updates mean getting the latest information as soon as it happens. It helps people stay informed about what is going on right now.

Warning system for risks -: This is a system that alerts people if there is a problem or danger. It helps to prevent bad things from happening by giving early warnings.

Sustainable -: Sustainable means using resources in a way that they will last for a long time. It is about making sure we don’t run out of important things like food and water.

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