Sheikh Hasina Resigns Amid Protests in Bangladesh, Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus Leads Interim Government

Sheikh Hasina Resigns Amid Protests in Bangladesh, Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus Leads Interim Government

Sheikh Hasina Resigns Amid Protests in Bangladesh

The Indian High Commission in Bangladesh remains operational with senior diplomats and essential staff, while non-essential staff and families have returned to India. Amid political unrest, an Air India flight evacuated 199 passengers and six infants from Dhaka to Delhi.

Political Unrest in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is experiencing significant political turmoil. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned on August 5 following mounting protests led by students demanding an end to the quota system for government jobs. These protests evolved into broader anti-government demonstrations.

Interim Government Formation

After Sheikh Hasina’s resignation, President Mohammed Shahabuddin dissolved the parliament to form an interim administration. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has been appointed as the head of this interim government.

India’s Response

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar informed that there are about 19,000 Indian nationals in Bangladesh, including 9,000 students, most of whom returned to India in July. He assured that the Indian government is in close contact with the Indian community in Bangladesh and is monitoring the situation closely.

Jaishankar also mentioned that Sheikh Hasina requested approval to come to India at short notice and arrived in Delhi on Monday evening.

Violence and Tensions

Since the January 2024 election, Bangladesh has faced considerable tensions and growing polarization. The student agitation that began in June escalated into violence, including attacks on public buildings and infrastructure. The Indian government has repeatedly urged restraint and dialogue to resolve the situation.

Doubts Revealed

Sheikh Hasina -: Sheikh Hasina is a political leader who was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She recently resigned from her position.

Bangladesh -: Bangladesh is a country located to the east of India. It has its own government and people.

Nobel Laureate -: A Nobel Laureate is someone who has won a Nobel Prize, which is a very famous award given for great achievements in areas like peace, science, and literature.

Muhammad Yunus -: Muhammad Yunus is a famous person from Bangladesh who won the Nobel Prize for his work in helping poor people through small loans. He is now leading the temporary government.

Interim Government -: An interim government is a temporary government set up to manage the country until a new, permanent government is chosen.

Indian High Commission -: The Indian High Commission is like an office in another country where Indian officials work to help Indian citizens and manage relations between the two countries.

Diplomats -: Diplomats are people who represent their country in another country. They work to keep good relations and help their citizens abroad.

Air India -: Air India is an airline owned by India. It helps people travel by air from one place to another.

Dhaka -: Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. It is a very busy and important city.

Delhi -: Delhi is the capital city of India. It is where many important government buildings and officials are located.

President Mohammed Shahabuddin -: President Mohammed Shahabuddin is the President of Bangladesh. He has the power to make important decisions for the country.

Parliament -: Parliament is a group of people who make laws and important decisions for a country. It is like a big meeting where leaders discuss and decide on things.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar -: S Jaishankar is a high-ranking official in the Indian government who is responsible for managing India’s relationships with other countries.

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