The Mumbai traffic police have received a threatening message demanding Rs 5 crore from Bollywood actor Salman Khan. The message claims to resolve his conflict with imprisoned gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. The sender, claiming to be close to the Bishnoi gang, threatened Khan's life if the money is not paid.
The Mumbai Police are taking the threat seriously and have launched an investigation. This incident follows the recent murder of NCP leader Baba Siddique. A look-out circular has been issued for Shiv Kumar Gautam and Zeeshan Akhtar, who are suspects in Siddique's murder. The police are actively searching for them, suspecting they might flee to Nepal.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has assured that those responsible for such crimes will be held accountable. The NCP leader Baba Siddique was shot outside his office and succumbed to his injuries on October 12. His son, Zeeshan Siddique, has demanded justice and urged that his father's death not be politicized.
Salman Khan is a famous Bollywood actor in India, known for his roles in many popular movies. He is a well-known celebrity and has a large fan following.
Lawrence Bishnoi is a person who is known to be involved in criminal activities. He is often referred to as a gangster, which means he is part of a group that does illegal things.
Baba Siddique was a leader of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) in India. He was involved in politics and was known for his work in the community before he was murdered.
The Mumbai Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Mumbai, which is one of the largest cities in India.
A look-out circular is a notice issued by the police to alert authorities at borders and airports to stop and detain certain individuals who are wanted for questioning or arrest.
Maharashtra CM refers to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, which is a state in India. The Chief Minister is the head of the government in the state.
Eknath Shinde is the current Chief Minister of Maharashtra. He is a political leader responsible for making important decisions for the state.
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