Bollywood actor Salman Khan has received another death threat, with a demand for a ransom of Rs 2 crore. The threat was sent to the Mumbai Traffic Police Control by an unknown person, who warned of dire consequences if the money is not paid. The police have registered a case at the Worli Police Station and are investigating the matter.
Previously, on October 24, a man from Jamshedpur was arrested for threatening Salman Khan in the name of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, demanding Rs 5 crore. An earlier threat on October 18 was followed by an apology, claiming it was sent by mistake. These incidents occur amidst the recent murder of NCP leader Baba Siddique in Mumbai.
Salman Khan is a famous Bollywood actor in India, known for his roles in many popular movies. He is a well-known celebrity and has a large fan following.
A death threat is when someone says they will harm or kill another person. It is a very serious matter and is taken seriously by the police.
Rs 2 Crore is a large amount of money in Indian currency, equivalent to 20 million rupees. It is often used to demand ransom in threats.
Mumbai Traffic Police is a part of the police force in Mumbai, responsible for managing and controlling traffic in the city. They also handle certain types of crime reports.
Lawrence Bishnoi is a known criminal in India, often associated with illegal activities. His name is sometimes used by others to make threats more intimidating.
Baba Siddique is a politician in India, associated with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). He was a leader who was recently murdered, which has caused concern and fear.
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