The Sabarimala temple in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is set to open on Thursday afternoon for the Mandala Makaravilakku festival, marking the start of a two-month pilgrimage season. The temple's chief priest, PN Mahesh Namboodiri, will light the ceremonial lamp at 4 PM, and new chief priests for Sabarimala and Malikappuram will assume their roles.
Kerala's Devaswom Minister, VN Vasavan, addressed the legislative assembly regarding the opposition's demand to reinstate spot bookings for the pilgrimage. The government has implemented an online booking system to manage the number of pilgrims and enhance the pilgrimage experience. Opposition Leader, VD Satheesan, expressed concerns that the online system might exclude many devotees, especially those from other states, who are unfamiliar with it. He argued that limiting entry to online reservations could prevent thousands from fulfilling their 41-day vow and visiting the temple.
Minister Vasavan explained that a virtual meeting, led by the Chief Minister, decided to cap daily pilgrims at 80,000 to prevent overcrowding. He noted that past spot bookings caused overcrowding and management challenges. The government will use a virtual queue booking system this year to ensure safety and a better experience for all pilgrims. Infrastructure and crowd management measures will be in place to handle the flow of pilgrims.
Sabarimala Temple is a famous Hindu temple located in the state of Kerala, India. It is dedicated to Lord Ayyappa and is visited by millions of devotees every year.
The Mandala Makaravilakku Festival is a significant religious event at the Sabarimala Temple. It lasts for about two months and includes various rituals and ceremonies, attracting many pilgrims.
PN Mahesh Namboodiri is the chief priest of the Sabarimala Temple. He is responsible for performing important religious rituals and ceremonies at the temple.
The online booking system is a way for devotees to reserve their visit to the temple using the internet. It helps manage the number of visitors to ensure safety and comfort.
The government has decided to allow only 80,000 pilgrims per day to visit the temple. This limit is set to prevent overcrowding and ensure a safe and pleasant experience for everyone.
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