Rakesh Sharma Talks About Space Survival and Future Moon Colonization

Rakesh Sharma Talks About Space Survival and Future Moon Colonization

Rakesh Sharma Talks About Space Survival and Future Moon Colonization

Rakesh Sharma, India’s first astronaut, spoke at the ‘Youth Sabha 2047: Shaping India’s Future’ event on International Youth Day. He shared insights on human survival in space and the challenges of future moon colonization.

Reflections on Space Training

Sharma reflected on his training in Russia, noting the differences in language, time zone, and latitude. He emphasized that conditioning the human body for space flight remains the same and that space is an extension of military aviation.

Challenges of Moon Colonization

Sharma discussed the technical challenges of creating a safe environment for humans on the moon, highlighting the need to replicate Earth’s environment. He stated, “There are going to be many challenges in creating that kind of environment and a safe environment where humans can survive.”

40th Anniversary of Space Journey

Recently, Sharma celebrated the 40th anniversary of becoming the first Indian to reach outer space aboard the Soviet Rocket Soyuz T-11. On April 3, 1984, he spent a week working at the Salyut-7 Orbital Station.

Doubts Revealed

Rakesh Sharma -: Rakesh Sharma is the first Indian astronaut who went to space. He flew aboard a Soviet spacecraft in 1984.

Youth Sabha 2047 -: Youth Sabha 2047 is an event where young people discuss and plan for India’s future. It was held on International Youth Day.

International Youth Day -: International Youth Day is a day to celebrate and recognize the contributions of young people around the world. It is observed on August 12th every year.

Moon Colonization -: Moon colonization means creating a place where humans can live on the moon. It involves solving many challenges to make it safe for people.

Soyuz T-11 -: Soyuz T-11 is the name of the Soviet rocket that took Rakesh Sharma to space in 1984. It was a part of the Soviet space program.

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