On Wednesday, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma visited the bustling Sanganer market in Jaipur to extend Diwali greetings to the public. During his visit, he wished everyone a happy Diwali and blessed children in the area. The local people warmly greeted him and offered sweets.
As Diwali celebrations continue, Jaipur Police have heightened security across the city. Special measures are in place to ensure public safety and smooth traffic flow. A Quick Response Team (QRT) and additional police personnel are on duty in crowded markets. The Abhay Command and Control Centre at the Jaipur Police Commissionerate is assisting with surveillance through CCTV cameras installed citywide. Officers at police outposts are directed to stay active in the field with their teams.
Jaipur Police Commissioner Biju George Joseph emphasized the dual responsibility of the police during the festive season. "An additional police force has been deployed to secure the city and maintain traffic order," he stated. He extended his best wishes for Diwali and urged public cooperation with the police. "The police carry a dual responsibility this year. An increased force has been stationed to ensure security and smooth traffic movement, enabling timely response as needed," reiterated Commissioner Joseph.
Traffic police have implemented special arrangements to manage congestion in market areas. Heavy vehicles are barred from entering the Parkota area. Over 6,000 police officers and Home Guard jawans are deployed across Jaipur, with security measures in place until Bhai Dooj. Parking in markets is restricted to single lanes only.
Rajasthan is a state in the northwestern part of India, known for its deserts, palaces, and vibrant culture.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state, similar to a principal of a school but for the whole state.
Bhajanlal Sharma is the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, which means he is the leader of the government in that state.
Diwali is a major Hindu festival celebrated in India, known as the Festival of Lights, where people light lamps, burst crackers, and share sweets.
Jaipur is the capital city of Rajasthan, famous for its pink-colored buildings and historical sites.
Sanganer Market is a popular market area in Jaipur, known for its textiles and traditional crafts.
Jaipur Police are the law enforcement officers responsible for maintaining order and safety in the city of Jaipur.
A Quick Response Team is a special group of police officers who are ready to act quickly in case of emergencies to keep people safe.
CCTV cameras are video cameras used to monitor and record activities in public places to help keep them safe.
Bhai Dooj is a festival celebrated by Hindus, where sisters pray for their brothers' long and happy life, similar to Raksha Bandhan.
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