In New Delhi, a Congress delegation led by Rahul Gandhi was stopped by police while attempting to visit Sambhal, an area affected by recent violence. RJD MP Manoj Jha criticized the administration's decision, suggesting that allowing opposition leaders to visit could help improve the situation. Congress MP Renuka Chowdhury emphasized the party's determination to continue their protests, questioning the administration's actions.
Rahul Gandhi, along with Priyanka Gandhi and other Congress leaders, was halted at the Ghazipur border. Despite offering to travel alone under police supervision, authorities advised him to return after a few days, which he deemed unconstitutional. Gandhi expressed his frustration, stating that his rights as Leader of Opposition were being violated.
The violence in Sambhal began on November 24 during an Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) examination of a Mughal-era mosque, leading to four deaths and several injuries. The ASI survey was initiated following a petition claiming the mosque's site was originally a Harihar temple.
Rahul Gandhi is a prominent Indian politician and a member of the Indian National Congress party. He is the son of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi.
The Congress, or Indian National Congress, is one of the major political parties in India. It has a long history and has been in power in India for many years in the past.
Sambhal is a city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It recently experienced violence related to a religious site survey.
Manoj Jha is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), a political party in India. He is known for his speeches and political views.
Renuka Chowdhury is a Member of Parliament from the Congress party. She is known for her active role in Indian politics and has held various positions in the government.
The Ghazipur border is a location near Delhi, often in the news for protests and political activities. It is a point where people enter or leave the city.
ASI stands for Archaeological Survey of India, which is a government agency responsible for archaeological research and the conservation of cultural monuments in India. They were conducting a survey in Sambhal.
Unconstitutional means something that is not allowed by the constitution, which is the set of rules and principles that govern a country. Rahul Gandhi felt stopping him was against these rules.
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