In Hyderabad, Congress leader V Hanumantha Rao expressed confidence that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will win the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll with a significant majority. He believes she will challenge Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, which he claims favors the corporate sector over the people.
Rao stated that Priyanka Gandhi will address issues affecting backward classes and minorities in Parliament. He criticized the NDA government for not fulfilling its promises and not working in the people's interest.
Wayanad, a stronghold for Congress, will see Priyanka Gandhi contesting against BJP's Navya Haridas and the Left's Sathyan Mokeri. Priyanka recently held a roadshow in Wayanad, where she praised the people for their support of her brother, Rahul Gandhi.
Priyanka reiterated her dedication to solving the issues of Wayanad's people if elected. She is running as a United Democratic Front candidate, seeking to fill the seat vacated by her brother Rahul Gandhi, who was also elected from Raebareli.
The bypolls in Wayanad are scheduled for November 13, coinciding with bye-elections in 47 assembly seats across 15 states and the first phase of assembly polls in Jharkhand.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is an Indian politician and a member of the famous Nehru-Gandhi family. She is the daughter of Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, and the sister of Rahul Gandhi.
Wayanad is a district in the Indian state of Kerala. It is known for its beautiful hills and forests, and it is also a parliamentary constituency.
A Lok Sabha bypoll is a special election held to fill a vacant seat in the Lok Sabha, which is the lower house of India's Parliament. This happens when a member of the Lok Sabha resigns or passes away.
The Modi government refers to the current government of India, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The corporate sector includes large companies and businesses that operate in various industries. Some people believe that the government sometimes makes policies that benefit these big companies.
Backward classes refer to certain groups in India that have historically been disadvantaged in terms of education and economic opportunities. The government often makes special efforts to help them.
In India, minorities are groups of people who are smaller in number compared to the majority population. This includes religious minorities like Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and others.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the two major political parties in India. It is currently the ruling party in the country.
The Left refers to political parties in India that follow leftist ideologies, which often focus on social equality and welfare. In Kerala, the Left Democratic Front (LDF) is a major political alliance.
Bypolls are elections held to fill vacant seats in legislative bodies, like the Lok Sabha or state assemblies, between general elections.
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