Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, and President Draupadi Murmu have extended their heartfelt wishes to the people of India on the occasion of Chhath Puja. This festival, known for its simplicity and dedication, is celebrated with great fervor, especially in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh.
Prime Minister Modi expressed his wishes for happiness, prosperity, and good fortune for everyone. He highlighted the festival's values of simplicity, restraint, determination, and dedication.
Rahul Gandhi conveyed his hope that Chhath Puja would bring new energy and strength to people's lives, celebrating it as a festival of sun worship and folk faith.
President Murmu emphasized the festival's significance in worshiping the Sun and nature. She encouraged the protection and preservation of the environment, wishing happiness and continued reverence for nature.
The festival begins with Nahay-Khay, followed by Kharna, Chhath Puja, and concludes with Usha Arghya. Devotees perform rituals at the Yamuna and Ganga ghats, with celebrations ending on November 8.
Prime Minister Modi refers to Narendra Modi, who is the current Prime Minister of India. He is a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has been serving as Prime Minister since 2014.
Rahul Gandhi is a prominent Indian politician and a member of the Indian National Congress party. He is known for being a leader of the opposition in India.
President Murmu refers to Draupadi Murmu, who is the current President of India. She is the first tribal woman to hold the office of the President in India.
Chhath Puja is a Hindu festival dedicated to the Sun God, celebrated mainly in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. It involves various rituals and offerings to the Sun and is known for its emphasis on cleanliness and fasting.
Nahay-Khay is the first day of the Chhath Puja festival. On this day, devotees take a holy bath and prepare a special meal, which marks the beginning of the festival's rituals.
Usha Arghya is a ritual performed during Chhath Puja where devotees offer prayers to the rising sun. It is an important part of the festival, symbolizing gratitude and reverence to the Sun God.
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