In Muzaffarnagar, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India, the police have successfully dismantled a gang involved in the illegal sale of arms through social media. Seven individuals, including two buyers, have been apprehended. The arrested individuals are Azam Rizwi, Vivek Nagar, Pratik Tyagi, Manish Kumar, Rishab Prajapati, Vishal, and Pratik.
The police recovered one pistol, three guns, and two cartridges from the suspects. Satya Narayan Prajapati, the SP City of Muzaffarnagar, explained that the police acted on a tip-off about a pistol delivery. A team was deployed, and during the delivery, both the buyer and the seller were arrested. Among those arrested were Vishal and Pratik, who came to purchase the pistol, and five others, including Azam Rizwi, Vivek Nagar, Pratik Tyagi, Manish Kumar, and Rishab Prajapati, who were involved in the delivery.
The gang was known to arrange deals with various individuals through social media, accepting payments in cash or via bank transfers. The investigation is ongoing, and further details are awaited.
Muzaffarnagar is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for its rich history and is located in the northern part of India.
In this context, 'arms' refers to weapons like guns and pistols. These are dangerous items that are usually used by the police or military, and selling them illegally is a crime.
Social media are online platforms where people can communicate and share information, like Facebook or Instagram. In this case, the gang was using these platforms to sell weapons, which is illegal.
SP City stands for Superintendent of Police, City. It is a high-ranking police officer responsible for maintaining law and order in a city.
A tip-off is a secret piece of information given to the police about illegal activities. It helps the police catch criminals by surprising them.
Cartridges are the parts of a gun that contain the bullet and the gunpowder. They are needed to fire a gun.
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