PM Narendra Modi Speaks at UN Summit: ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’

PM Narendra Modi Speaks at UN Summit: ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’

PM Narendra Modi Speaks at UN Summit: ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the UN’s ‘Summit of The Future’ in New York, emphasizing India’s commitment to ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.’ He highlighted India’s success in lifting 250 million people out of poverty and called for balanced global regulation of technology.

Modi stated, ‘For India, One Earth, One Family, One Future is a commitment. This commitment is also reflected in our initiatives such as ‘One Earth, One Health,’ and ‘One Sun, One World, One Grid.’ India will continue to work in thought, words, and deeds to protect the interests of all humanity and for global prosperity.’

He called for balanced regulation at a global level for the safe and responsible use of technology. ‘We need global digital governance, which ensures that national sovereignty and integrity are upheld. Digital Public Infrastructure should be a bridge, not a barrier. For global good, India is ready to share its digital infrastructure with the entire world.’

The Prime Minister expressed India’s willingness to share its experiences of success with the Global South. He said that the success of humanity lies in ‘collective strength’ and not the battlefield. ‘In the biggest elections of human history held in June, people of India gave me the opportunity to serve them for a third straight time. Today, I have come to bring the voice of one-sixth humanity to you. When we discuss the global future, we must accord the highest priority to a human-centric approach.’

‘While prioritizing sustainable development, we must also ensure human welfare, food, and health security. By lifting 250 million people out of poverty in India, we have demonstrated that sustainable development can be successful. We are ready to share our experiences of our success with the Global South. Success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not in the battlefield,’ he added.

He called for reforms in global institutions and termed reform as the key to relevance. ‘For ensuring global peace and development, reforms are necessary in global institutions. Reform is the key to relevance. Permanent membership of the African Union to the G20 at the New Delhi Summit was an important step in this direction,’ he added.

He said terrorism is a serious threat to global peace. ‘While on one hand, terrorism continues to be a serious threat to global peace and security, on the other hand, cyber, maritime, and space are emerging as new theatres of conflict. On all these issues, I will stress that global action must match global ambition,’ he said.

At the UN Summit of the Future, world leaders adopted a Pact for the Future that included a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. The Pact covers a broad range of themes, including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth, and future generations, and the transformation of global governance.

Doubts Revealed

PM Narendra Modi -: PM Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India, which means he is the leader of the Indian government.

UN Summit -: The UN Summit is a big meeting held by the United Nations, where leaders from different countries come together to discuss important global issues.

One Earth, One Family, One Future -: This is a phrase used by PM Modi to show that everyone in the world should work together like a family to take care of our planet and ensure a good future for all.

New York -: New York is a big city in the United States where the United Nations headquarters is located.

250 million people out of poverty -: This means that India has helped 250 million people, which is a very large number, to have better lives and not be poor anymore.

global regulation of technology -: This means making rules that everyone in the world follows to use technology in a safe and fair way.

global digital governance -: This means managing and controlling how digital technologies like the internet are used around the world.

reforms in global institutions -: This means making changes to big international organizations like the United Nations to make them work better.

terrorism -: Terrorism is when people use violence to scare others and achieve their goals, which is very dangerous and harmful.

cyber, maritime, and space domains -: These are different areas where conflicts can happen: cyber means the internet, maritime means the sea, and space means outer space.

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