Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a new initiative to support senior citizens in India. The Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card, part of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), offers free healthcare to those aged 70 and above.
This program provides up to Rs 5 lakh per year in health coverage, regardless of the individual's income. It aims to relieve the financial burden of medical expenses for the elderly, ensuring they can access quality healthcare without worry.
To qualify, applicants must be permanent residents of India and aged 70 or older. If multiple seniors live in the same household, the coverage is shared among them.
Union Minister of State Prataprao Jadhav highlighted the importance of this scheme, noting that it allows seniors to live with dignity and independence, free from the stress of medical bills.
PM Modi emphasized the government's dedication to universal healthcare, stating that the plan has already benefited 4 crore people. The inclusion of senior citizens further strengthens this commitment.
PM Modi refers to Narendra Modi, who is the Prime Minister of India. He is the leader of the Indian government and makes important decisions for the country.
The Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card is a special card introduced to provide free healthcare services to senior citizens in India. It is part of a government program to help older people get medical treatment without worrying about money.
Senior citizens are people who are 60 years old or older. In this context, it specifically refers to those aged 70 and above who will benefit from the healthcare program.
Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, or PM-JAY, is a health insurance scheme by the Indian government. It provides financial protection for medical expenses to families, especially those who are poor or vulnerable.
Rs 5 lakh is a way to say 500,000 rupees, which is a large amount of money in India. This amount is the maximum coverage provided annually for healthcare under the program.
Healthcare coverage means that the program will pay for medical expenses up to a certain amount. It helps people get the medical care they need without having to pay for it themselves.
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