Pakistan Faces Youth Unemployment and Economic Challenges, Protests Erupt Over Inflation and Taxes

Pakistan Faces Youth Unemployment and Economic Challenges, Protests Erupt Over Inflation and Taxes

Pakistan Faces Youth Unemployment and Economic Challenges

Amid an increase in the youth population, Pakistan is facing a severe employment crisis. The Planning Commission briefed the Senate Committee on Planning, highlighting economic challenges, including rising youth unemployment. Slow economic growth, rapid population rise, and lack of job opportunities are obstructing development.

Economic Growth and Development Plans

Chairperson Quratul Ain stressed the need for urgent control measures due to the alarming population growth rate. The Planning Commission noted that Pakistan’s GDP growth is at 3.5%, lower than the required 7% for sustained development. A five-year plan was outlined, focusing on leveraging technology, promoting tourism, and increasing agricultural productivity. Foreign investment, energy sector governance, and industrial development are critical for economic stability.

Proposals for Economic Stability

The plan also includes proposals for private sector investment and boosting the SME sector. Officials emphasized the importance of removing poverty, enhancing human resources, and implementing institutional reforms to tackle economic and social challenges.

Protests Over Inflation and Taxes

In August, members of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan organized a protest in Karachi against soaring inflation and unfair taxes. Protesters shared their economic hardships, criticizing the government’s policies. A woman protester highlighted the impact of heavy taxes and expensive electricity, stating that people are struggling to afford basic necessities like education, food, and bills.

Doubts Revealed

Pakistan -: Pakistan is a country in South Asia, located next to India. It has a lot of people and faces many challenges, including economic problems.

Youth Unemployment -: Youth unemployment means that many young people, who are ready to work, cannot find jobs. This is a big problem because it affects their future and the country’s growth.

Economic Challenges -: Economic challenges refer to problems related to money and resources in a country. This can include things like not having enough jobs, high prices, and not enough money for important services.

Planning Commission -: The Planning Commission is a group in the government that makes plans to improve the country’s economy and development. They suggest ways to solve problems like unemployment and inflation.

Population Growth -: Population growth means the increase in the number of people living in a country. If too many people are born too quickly, it can be hard for the country to provide enough jobs, food, and services.

Inflation -: Inflation is when the prices of things like food, clothes, and other items go up. This makes it harder for people to buy what they need with the same amount of money.

Taxes -: Taxes are money that people and businesses have to pay to the government. The government uses this money to provide services like schools, hospitals, and roads.

Karachi -: Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan. It is a very busy place with many people, businesses, and activities.

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