Nepal Plane Crash: Eyewitnesses Share Their Stories

Nepal Plane Crash: Eyewitnesses Share Their Stories

Nepal Plane Crash: Eyewitnesses Share Their Stories

A tragic plane crash occurred in Kathmandu, Nepal, claiming 18 lives and leaving only one survivor. The crash happened when a Saurya Airlines aircraft, carrying technical staff, took off from Tribhuvan International Airport.

Eyewitness Accounts

Aadesh Lama, who was working in his garage, heard a loud sound and initially thought it was a burst tire. He later realized it was a plane crash. He said, “It had knocked a container, if it wasn’t the container then it surely would have slid down and hit the residential area. The container saved us.”

Krishna Bahadur Thapa also heard a loud bang and initially thought it was a vehicle accident. He described seeing the plane slide down, stop, and then catch fire. He rushed to the site but ran back in fear after another explosion.

Details of the Crash

The plane, identified as CRJ7 (Reg-9NAME), took off at 11:11 AM local time and crashed on the east side of the runway. The fire was quickly brought under control, and rescue operations began immediately. The lone survivor was the pilot, who was taken to the hospital.


Firefighters and security personnel, including Nepal Police and the Nepali Army, were deployed to the crash site to manage the situation.

Doubts Revealed

Kathmandu -: Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal, a country that is located to the north of India.

Eyewitnesses -: Eyewitnesses are people who saw something happen with their own eyes. In this case, they saw the plane crash.

Saurya Airlines -: Saurya Airlines is a company that operates airplanes and provides flight services in Nepal.

Tribhuvan International Airport -: Tribhuvan International Airport is the main airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, where planes take off and land.

Firefighters -: Firefighters are people whose job is to put out fires and help in emergencies like plane crashes.

Security personnel -: Security personnel are people who help keep places safe and respond to emergencies, like police officers or guards.

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