As New Year celebrations approach in Mumbai, Railway Police Commissioner Ravindra Shisve has announced measures to ensure safety on the CSMT-Churchgate route. The police will prevent anyone under the influence of alcohol from entering the station, and an officer will be present in all women coaches for added security.
Ravindra Shisve stated that popular spots like Marine Drive and Gateway of India attract large crowds, and the police aim to prevent illegal activities. Screening will be conducted to keep intoxicated individuals away from stations, ensuring women's safety. Central and Western Railways will operate special trains on December 31 for safe and timely returns.
Over 6000 policemen, home guards, and MSF jawans will be deployed, along with 2000 RPF jawans. More than 7000 CCTV cameras will monitor the area, with live monitoring by RFP. Dog squads will be on alert for potential terror threats. Women are encouraged to report illegal activities by calling 1512 for a quick response.
Porters and stall workers at stations have been sensitized and will play a crucial role on December 31. The 'Sakhi in Khakhi' initiative is receiving positive feedback, providing support for women hesitant to visit police stations. Ravindra Shisve urged everyone to celebrate responsibly without causing inconvenience to others.
New Year celebrations in India, especially in urban areas, often involve alcohol, leading to increased smuggling cases. The police are taking steps to address these issues and ensure a safe festive season.
Ravindra Shisve is a senior police officer in Mumbai, responsible for ensuring safety and security, especially during big events like New Year celebrations.
CSMT (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus) and Churchgate are two major railway stations in Mumbai. The route between them is very busy, especially during celebrations.
Intoxicated individuals are people who have consumed too much alcohol and may not be able to act responsibly. The police want to keep them out of stations to ensure everyone's safety.
Women coaches are special train compartments reserved only for women to ensure their safety and comfort while traveling.
CCTV cameras are video cameras used for surveillance. They help the police monitor public areas to prevent and solve crimes.
Special trains are additional train services provided to help people travel safely and conveniently, especially during busy times like New Year's Eve.
Community members are local people who live in the area. They help the police by being extra eyes and ears to report any suspicious activities.
A helpline is a phone service that people can call to get help or report problems, like illegal activities, especially for women's safety in this context.
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