Mother Wins Interim Custody of Children from Pilot Father in Dubai

Mother Wins Interim Custody of Children from Pilot Father in Dubai

Mother Wins Interim Custody of Children from Pilot Father in Dubai

New Delhi, August 15: A family court in Saket has granted interim custody of two children to their mother. The children were living with their father, a pilot in Dubai. The mother returned to India in February 2024 after alleging torture by her husband.

Court’s Decision

Metropolitan Magistrate Sana Khan ruled that the mother, as the natural guardian, is fit to take care of the children. The court ordered the father to hand over custody within three weeks. The interim custody will remain until the final decision on permanent custody.

Factors Considered

The court considered various factors like the children’s age, gender, and the suitability of the parents. Although the father can provide financial stability, the court emphasized that financial means alone are not enough to decide custody. The father, a commercial pilot, is away for work 10-12 days a month, and his parents, who help in his absence, are on tourist visas.

Mother’s Allegations

The mother alleged domestic violence and dowry harassment, which forced her to return to India. She argued that the children need their mother’s care, especially the younger child who is still breastfeeding.

Father’s Argument

The father’s counsel argued that the children have a better lifestyle in Dubai, with access to quality education and healthcare. They also questioned the mother’s financial stability and family background.

The court concluded that the mother’s presence is crucial for the children’s overall development and well-being.

Doubts Revealed

Interim Custody -: Interim custody means temporary custody. It is when a court decides who will take care of the children for a short period until a final decision is made.

Pilot -: A pilot is a person who flies airplanes. In this case, the father works as a pilot in Dubai, which means he flies planes and is often away from home.

Dubai -: Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is known for its modern buildings and is far from India.

Saket -: Saket is a place in New Delhi, India. It has a family court where legal matters related to families are decided.

Natural Guardian -: A natural guardian is usually a parent who is considered by law to be the best person to take care of a child. In this case, the court decided the mother is the natural guardian.

Financial Means -: Financial means refer to the money and resources someone has. The court said that just having money is not enough to decide who should take care of the children.

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