On Wednesday, Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma inaugurated two major developments at Zoram Medical College in Falkawn, Aizawl. These include Mizoram's first Master's degree program in Public Health and the new 80-bed Curie's Ladies Hostel.
In his speech, the Chief Minister called the event a significant milestone for the institution and the people of Mizoram. He emphasized the college's role in shaping the future of healthcare in the state.
The hostel, built by the Mizoram Public Works Department with funding from the Ministry of DoNER, cost Rs 10 crore. It includes a mess, kitchen, and common room, increasing the college's capacity to 282 beds for female students.
The new two-year Master of Public Health (MPH) program will admit six students annually, with a fee of Rs 2 lakh per year. It is recognized by the UGC and WHO and affiliated with Mizoram University, with plans for collaboration with the Jodhpur School of Public Health.
Since its establishment in 2018, Zoram Medical College has enrolled 674 MBBS students. The new developments highlight the Mizoram government's commitment to advancing medical education and student facilities.
Mizoram is a state in the northeastern part of India. It is known for its beautiful hills and diverse culture.
CM Lalduhoma is the Chief Minister of Mizoram, which means he is the head of the government in that state.
A hostel is a place where students can live while they are studying at a college or university. It provides them with a place to sleep, eat, and study.
A Public Health Program is a course of study that teaches students how to keep communities healthy by preventing diseases and promoting good health practices.
Zoram Medical College is a medical school in Mizoram where students can study to become doctors. It was established in 2018.
UGC stands for University Grants Commission, which is an organization in India that oversees universities and colleges to ensure they provide quality education.
WHO stands for World Health Organization, which is a global organization that works to improve health and well-being around the world.
MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. It is the degree that students earn to become doctors in India.
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