The administration of the Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple in Tamil Nadu, India, has released a safety advisory ahead of the Diwali celebrations. They have requested the public to avoid using fireworks and hazardous materials near the temple. This is due to the ongoing consecration ceremony, known as Kumbabishekam, which happens once every 12 years, and extensive renovation works, including painting the temple's iconic towers. Protective covers have been placed around the temple to ensure safety. Devotees and nearby residents are urged to cooperate by keeping the area safe and sacred during Deepavali.
The Meenakshi Amman Temple, also known as Meenakshi Sundareshwara Temple, is a historic Hindu temple located on the southern bank of the Vaigai River in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to the deities Meenakshi, a form of Parvati, and her consort Sundareshwar, a form of Shiva. It is a central part of the ancient temple city of Madurai, mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature dating back to the 6th century CE.
In a related event, the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, will be illuminated with 10,000 diyas for Diwali. A 55-foot idol of Bhagwan Swaminarayan will be installed, with its Pranpratishtha ceremony scheduled for November 11. Jayesh Mandanka, a 'swayamsevak' at the temple, mentioned that this tradition has been ongoing for 32 years, with celebrations continuing until November 8.
This is a famous and historic temple located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, dedicated to the goddess Meenakshi and her consort, Sundareshwar. It is known for its stunning architecture and cultural significance.
A safety advisory is a warning or set of instructions given to ensure people's safety. In this case, it is about avoiding fireworks near the temple during Diwali to prevent accidents.
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a major Hindu festival celebrated in India. It involves lighting lamps, bursting fireworks, and sharing sweets to celebrate the victory of light over darkness.
Consecration is a religious ceremony that makes a place or object sacred. In the context of the temple, it means they are performing rituals to bless the temple during renovation.
This is a large and beautiful temple located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, dedicated to Bhagwan Swaminarayan. It is known for its intricate carvings and spiritual significance.
Pranpratishtha is a Hindu ritual where the deity's idol is consecrated and believed to be infused with life. It is an important ceremony in temple inaugurations.
Bhagwan Swaminarayan was a spiritual leader and founder of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, a Hindu sect. He is worshipped as a deity by his followers.
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