Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is on a historic visit to Japan, marking the first official visit by a Madhya Pradesh CM to the country. During his visit, he expressed happiness in meeting investors and praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, stating that under Modi's guidance, India is flourishing.
CM Yadav held a productive meeting with Go Iwata, Business Strategy Head of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, and Naveen Kumar, Head of Green Transformation Energy. Yokogawa serves major clients like NTPC, IOC, Reliance, and Adani. Yadav informed them about investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh and invited them to the Global Investors Summit 2025.
Yadav interacted with the Indian diaspora in Japan, referring to them as "sugar in milk" and praising their contributions. He highlighted the cultural ties between India and Japan and emphasized India's vision to become a 'Vishwaguru' under PM Modi's leadership.
Indian Ambassador to Japan, Sibi George, expressed his happiness over the warm welcome extended to CM Yadav by the Indian diaspora. He noted the significance of Yadav's engagement with the community and the commitment to collaborate with the Government of India and Madhya Pradesh.
CM Yadav's visit includes high-level meetings with business leaders and government officials. He is inviting industrialists to the Global Investors Summit in Bhopal on February 24-25.
Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is known for its rich history, culture, and natural beauty.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state. Mohan Yadav is the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.
The Indian diaspora refers to people of Indian origin who live outside India. They often maintain cultural and economic ties with India.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation is a Japanese company that makes industrial automation and control systems. They are interested in investing in Madhya Pradesh.
The Global Investors Summit 2025 is an event where business leaders and investors from around the world will gather to explore investment opportunities, especially in Madhya Pradesh.
An Indian Ambassador is a representative of India in another country. Sibi George is the Indian Ambassador to Japan, helping to strengthen ties between the two countries.
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