The Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh witnessed a grand celebration of 'Sagar Gaurav Diwas' with the presence of Chief Minister Mohan Yadav and Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The event included the Bhoomi Pujan and inauguration of development projects worth Rs642 crore, such as the renovation of Lakha Banjara Lake and the installation of a statue of Lakha Banjara.
CM Yadav announced the establishment of a Cancer Hospital and a Law Faculty at Rani Avantibai University. He also transferred over Rs26 crore to more than 24 lakh Ladli Behnas under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana. The Ken-Betwa River Link Project, set to launch on December 25, aims to transform the Bundelkhand region.
During the event, CM Yadav honored notable individuals from Sagar, including CM Dhami, with a shawl, a shrifal, and a statue of Dr Harisingh Gour. CM Dhami shared his personal connection to Sagar, recalling his childhood memories and his father's service in the Mahar Regiment.
CM Yadav announced the elevation of Gourjhamar to Municipal Council status and the upgrade of Banda Bara and Narayawali to Nagar Panchayat status. The event highlighted the role of double-engine governments in boosting national development.
Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage.
Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, famous for its beautiful mountains and pilgrimage sites.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state.
Sagar Gaurav Diwas is a special day celebrated to honor the achievements and development of the Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh.
Lakha Banjara Lake is a famous lake in Sagar district, known for its scenic beauty and importance to the local community.
Rani Avantibai University is an educational institution in Madhya Pradesh, named after a famous queen known for her bravery.
The Ken-Betwa River Link Project is a plan to connect two rivers, Ken and Betwa, to improve water supply and irrigation in the region.
Double-engine governments refer to the same political party being in power at both the state and central levels, which is believed to help in faster development.
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