Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Calls for Dignified House Proceedings at CPA India Conference

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Calls for Dignified House Proceedings at CPA India Conference

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Calls for Dignified House Proceedings at CPA India Conference

New Delhi, India – Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla expressed concern over the increasing commotion in legislatures. He emphasized the need for presiding officers to conduct House proceedings with dignity and decorum, reflecting Indian values.

10th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) India Region Conference

The conference, which began on September 23 at the Parliament premises, concluded on Tuesday. Om Birla, who is also the Chairperson of the CPA India Region, chaired the concluding session. He stressed that policies and laws should foster a sense of Indianness to realize the vision of ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’.

Role of Legislatures

Birla highlighted the important role legislatures play in the development of the country and states. He urged presiding officers to make democratic institutions more transparent, accountable, and result-oriented. He also suggested comprehensive training for new members on the functioning of the House.

Digitization and Efficiency

Birla expressed satisfaction with the digitization of processes and records in state legislatures. He encouraged further efforts to build the capacity of public representatives using information technology. He emphasized the vision of ‘one nation, one digital platform’.

Conference Outcomes

Issues such as financial autonomy, the decreasing number of sitting days, and the implementation of e-Vidhan were discussed. Birla expressed hope that the conference would yield tangible improvements in the functioning of legislatures. He encouraged presiding officers to adopt new ideas and create new rules and policies for the future.


A total of 42 presiding officers, including four chairpersons and 25 speakers, along with their principal secretaries and accompanying officers, attended the conference. The theme was ‘The Role of Legislative Bodies in the Attainment of Sustainable and Inclusive Development’.

On the second day, Om Birla and other presiding officers paid tribute to eminent personalities at Prerna Sthal in the Parliament premises.

Doubts Revealed

Lok Sabha -: Lok Sabha is the lower house of India’s Parliament where laws are made. It is like a big meeting where elected leaders discuss and decide on important issues for the country.

Speaker -: The Speaker is the person who leads the meetings in the Lok Sabha. They make sure everyone follows the rules and has a chance to speak.

Om Birla -: Om Birla is the current Speaker of the Lok Sabha. He is responsible for maintaining order during the discussions in the Lok Sabha.

CPA -: CPA stands for Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. It is a group of people from different countries who work together to improve how their parliaments work.

Dignified House Proceedings -: This means that the discussions in the Lok Sabha should be respectful and orderly. Everyone should behave well and follow the rules.

Legislative traditions -: These are the customs and practices followed in the Lok Sabha when making laws. They help ensure that the process is fair and respectful.

Presiding officers -: These are the people who lead the meetings in the Lok Sabha and other legislative bodies. They make sure the rules are followed and everyone gets a chance to speak.

Democratic institutions -: These are organizations like the Lok Sabha that help run the country in a way where people have a say in decisions. They are important for making sure the government is fair and accountable.

Transparent -: This means that the actions and decisions of the government are open and clear to everyone. It helps people trust the government.

Accountable -: This means that the government and its leaders are responsible for their actions and decisions. They must explain what they do and why they do it.

Digitization -: This means using computers and the internet to do things more efficiently. In the Lok Sabha, it can help make information available quickly and easily.

Comprehensive training -: This means giving new members of the Lok Sabha thorough and complete training. It helps them understand their roles and responsibilities better.

Sustainable development -: This means making progress in a way that does not harm the environment and can continue for a long time. It is about using resources wisely.

Inclusive development -: This means making sure that everyone benefits from progress, not just a few people. It aims to reduce inequality and help all parts of society.

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