Locals in Askole Village Struggle Due to Poor Roads and Facilities

Locals in Askole Village Struggle Due to Poor Roads and Facilities

Locals in Askole Village Struggle Due to Poor Roads and Facilities

In Askole village, located in the Shigar district of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB), locals rely on tourism for their income. However, poor road conditions and inadequate infrastructure are making it difficult for them to sustain their livelihoods.

Despite the area’s popularity among trekkers and mountain climbers, the lack of government support has led to dangerous travel conditions and decreased tourist flow. The Askole region is situated near famous tourist destinations like K2, Broad Peak, and Baltoro Glacier, making it a key spot for adventure sports.

A jeep driver from the Skardu district shared, “We are often forced to return empty-handed when we come to this village. Reaching here is very dangerous. We cannot even meet the maintenance and fuel costs if we come here. Thus, this is a catch-22 situation for us as on one side the government is not ready to help and the danger we face on our way here.”

Locals are sometimes forced to repair roads themselves, but these efforts are insufficient. The driver added, “We have seen so many accidents ourselves and still the situation does not improve at all.”

Doubts Revealed

Askole Village -: Askole is a small village in the Shigar district of a region called Gilgit Baltistan, which is currently controlled by Pakistan. It’s known for being a starting point for many mountain climbers and trekkers.

Shigar district -: Shigar is a district in the Gilgit Baltistan region. It’s a place with many mountains and beautiful scenery, which attracts tourists.

Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB) -: This is a region that is currently controlled by Pakistan but is also claimed by India. It’s known for its high mountains and beautiful landscapes.

Tourism -: Tourism is when people travel to different places for fun, adventure, or to see new things. In Askole, many tourists come to climb mountains or go trekking.

Infrastructure -: Infrastructure means the basic facilities and systems needed for a place to function, like roads, water supply, and electricity. In Askole, these are not very good.

Government support -: Government support means help or assistance provided by the government, like building roads or schools. In Askole, the government is not providing enough help.

Trekkers -: Trekkers are people who go on long walks or hikes, usually in the mountains. They visit places like Askole for adventure.

Mountain climbers -: Mountain climbers are people who climb mountains for sport or adventure. Askole is a popular place for them to start their climbs.

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