Leaders Advocate for Taiwan’s Inclusion in the United Nations at UN Summit

Leaders Advocate for Taiwan’s Inclusion in the United Nations at UN Summit

Leaders Advocate for Taiwan’s Inclusion in the United Nations at UN Summit

During the recent UN Summit of the Future, held alongside the annual UN General Assembly, four of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies called for the country’s inclusion in the United Nations system. The summit took place on September 22-23.

Support from Global Leaders

President Hilda Heine of the Marshall Islands, President Surangel S Whipps Jr of Palau, Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini of Eswatini, and President Santiago Pena of Paraguay all voiced their support for Taiwan’s participation in the UN.

Key Statements

President Heine emphasized Taiwan’s role as a ‘key partner’ to the Marshall Islands, stating that Taiwan’s partnership deserves recognition. She said, ‘If we are to truly leave no one behind, then Taiwan deserves meaningful and enhanced participation in the UN system.’

President Whipps Jr highlighted the irony of Taiwan’s exclusion, given this year’s UN General Assembly theme, ‘Leaving no one behind.’ He attributed Taiwan’s exclusion to a ‘misinterpretation’ of UN Resolution 2758, which led to Taiwan losing its seat to the People’s Republic of China in 1971.

Prime Minister Dlamini of Eswatini noted Taiwan’s significant contributions to global public health, economic development, and technological innovation, calling for its ‘meaningful participation in international organizations.’

President Pena of Paraguay expressed his country’s belief in a peaceful future, stating, ‘Might does not make right.’ He defended the rights of countries like Taiwan to be respected and treated with dignity.

Summit of the Future

The inaugural Summit of the Future endorsed a ‘Pact for the Future,’ a document aimed at making the UN system suitable for the 21st century. The pact includes commitments to reform the global financial architecture, adapt the UN to new security threats, advance sustainable development, harness digital technologies, and address the needs of youth and future generations.

The 79th session of the UN General Assembly began on September 10, with the General Debate scheduled for September 24-28 and September 30.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island in East Asia, near China. It has its own government, but China claims it as part of its territory.

United Nations (UN) -: The United Nations is an international organization where countries come together to discuss and solve global problems like peace, health, and the environment.

UN Summit of the Future -: This is a special meeting where leaders from different countries talk about how to make the world better in the future.

Marshall Islands -: The Marshall Islands is a small country made up of many islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Palau -: Palau is another small island country in the Pacific Ocean.

Eswatini -: Eswatini is a small country in Southern Africa, also known as Swaziland.

Paraguay -: Paraguay is a country in South America.

UN General Assembly -: The UN General Assembly is a big meeting where all the countries in the United Nations come together to talk about important issues.

Pact for the Future -: This is an agreement made by countries to change and improve the United Nations to make it better for the 21st century.

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