In Siliguri, West Bengal, a heartwarming event took place where the Animal Helpline organization celebrated "Kukur Tihar" or Kukur Puja, a festival dedicated to worshipping dogs. This celebration is part of the larger Hindu festival of Diwali, known as the festival of lights.
During the festivities, each dog receives a flower garland, known as a "malla," around its neck. Their foreheads are adorned with a "tikka," a paste made from red powder, rice, and yogurt. The Animal Helpline, a well-known organization in Siliguri, celebrated the day with great enthusiasm. Members of the organization bathed around a hundred street-rescued dogs and worshipped them. They also prepared special food for the dogs in honor of the festival.
Priya Rudra, the founder of Animal Helpline, expressed the significance of the day, comparing it to other major festivals like Durga Puja and Kali Puja. She emphasized the importance of recognizing animals as a vital part of society and urged people to love and respect them. Priya also highlighted the need to be mindful of the impact of bursting crackers during Diwali, as it can disturb animals.
Smita Majumder, an animal lover, also appealed to the public to respect street dogs and provide them with food whenever possible. She shared her joy in celebrating Kukur Tihar with the dogs at the shelter and encouraged others to show kindness to street dogs.
Kukur Tihar is a special festival where people celebrate and worship dogs. It is part of a larger festival called Diwali, which is a big festival of lights in India.
Siliguri is a city in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is known for its beautiful tea gardens and is located near the foothills of the Himalayas.
Animal Helpline is an organization that helps animals in need. They work to protect animals and make sure they are treated well.
Diwali is a major festival in India, also known as the Festival of Lights. People celebrate it by lighting lamps, bursting crackers, and sharing sweets.
Tikka is a mark made on the forehead using colored powder. It is often used in Indian festivals and ceremonies as a sign of blessing and respect.
Priya Rudra is the founder of the Animal Helpline organization. She works to help animals and raise awareness about their importance in society.
Smita Majumder is a person who encourages people to be kind to street dogs. She wants people to respect and feed them, especially during festivals like Diwali.
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