In Bengaluru, Karnataka Minister Ramalinga Reddy confirmed that the Shakti program, which provides free bus travel for women, will continue. He stated, "Shakti program has been going on for the last 3.5 years. We will come back to power. So our Shakti program will continue for 8.5 years."
Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar mentioned that some women prefer to pay for their tickets. He clarified that his statement was misunderstood and that the scheme would not be stopped. He emphasized that the scheme will continue for the next 3.5 years and beyond.
Union Minister HD Kumaraswamy criticized the suggestion of reviewing the scheme, accusing the government of planning to halt the five guarantee schemes. However, the Congress government reassured that the Shakti Scheme will not be stopped.
Karnataka is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its rich culture, history, and technology hubs like Bengaluru.
The Shakti Program is a government initiative in Karnataka that allows women to travel for free on state-run buses. It aims to make transportation more accessible and affordable for women.
Ramalinga Reddy is a politician in Karnataka and a minister in the state government. He is involved in making decisions about public services like transportation.
The Deputy Chief Minister is the second-highest-ranking official in a state government in India. DK Shivakumar is the current Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka.
DK Shivakumar is a prominent politician in Karnataka and serves as the Deputy Chief Minister. He plays a key role in the state's administration.
HD Kumaraswamy is a leader of the opposition in Karnataka and a former Chief Minister. He belongs to a different political party than the current ruling party.
The Congress government refers to the political party currently in power in Karnataka. The Congress party is one of the major political parties in India.
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