In Bengaluru, Karnataka Home Minister G Parmeshwara addressed reports about actor Darshan receiving special treatment in Bellary Jail. Darshan is involved in the Renuka Swamy murder case. The minister clarified that medical care provided to inmates is standard procedure and not VIP treatment. He stated, "If someone is unwell, the prison's medical team or a government hospital team provides care."
These comments followed a viral photo of Darshan with a rowdy-sheeter in Parappana Agrahara Central Jail, leading to his transfer to Bellary Jail. Karnataka Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda emphasized that any extra privileges are wrong and responsible officers should be accountable. Consequently, seven prison officials were suspended by order of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
Earlier, the Karnataka High Court granted Darshan interim bail for six weeks for surgery. Justice S Vishwajith Shetty instructed Darshan to surrender his passport and report his medical condition to the court within a week. Darshan is charged in the Renuka Swamy case, involving the murder of a 33-year-old from Chitradurga, whose remains were found in Bengaluru on June 9.
The Karnataka Home Minister is a government official responsible for maintaining law and order in the state of Karnataka, India. G Parmeshwara is the person holding this position.
VIP Treatment means giving special privileges or extra comfort to someone, usually more than what is normally provided. In this context, it refers to giving actor Darshan special treatment in jail.
Actor Darshan is a popular film actor in the Kannada film industry, which is based in Karnataka, India. He is known for his roles in many successful movies.
Bellary Jail is a prison located in the Bellary district of Karnataka, India. It is where people who have been arrested or convicted of crimes are kept.
A rowdy-sheeter is a person who has a record of criminal activities and is known to the police for being involved in unlawful acts. The term is commonly used in India.
Krishna Byre Gowda is a politician in Karnataka, India, who serves as the Revenue Minister. The Revenue Minister is responsible for managing the state's revenue and financial matters.
The High Court is a higher level of court in India that deals with important legal cases. It has the power to make significant legal decisions and is above lower courts.
Interim Bail is a temporary release from jail granted by a court, usually until a final decision is made. It allows the person to be free for a short period under certain conditions.
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