Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar has confirmed that there will be no discontinuation of the state's guarantee schemes, including the Shakti scheme. Speaking at the KPCC office, he clarified that his previous comments were misinterpreted. He mentioned that some women working in IT and multinational companies expressed interest in paying for tickets due to receiving conveyance allowances from their employers. Shivakumar stated that he would discuss this with the Transport Minister but emphasized that the guarantee schemes would not be stopped.
He assured that none of the five guarantee schemes would be withdrawn and that they would continue for the next 3.5 years and potentially for another 5 years in the next Congress government term. Addressing concerns about women paying for tickets, he noted that transport employees would need government permission to collect fares, and any changes would be discussed with women who made suggestions.
In response to former Chief Minister Kumaraswamy's comments about the state going bankrupt due to these schemes, Shivakumar dismissed the claims, suggesting that Kumaraswamy was concerned about the schemes' success and potential impact on his party's popularity.
Karnataka is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its rich culture, history, and technology hubs like Bengaluru.
Deputy CM stands for Deputy Chief Minister. This is a high-ranking official in the state government who assists the Chief Minister in running the state.
DK Shivakumar is a politician in India and currently serves as the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka. He is a member of the Indian National Congress party.
The Shakti Scheme is a government initiative in Karnataka aimed at providing benefits to women, such as free or subsidized travel on public transport.
The IT sector refers to the Information Technology industry, which involves companies that work with computers, software, and technology services. Bengaluru, a city in Karnataka, is known as a major IT hub in India.
State bankruptcy means a situation where the state government runs out of money to pay for its expenses. DK Shivakumar assured that Karnataka is not facing this issue despite the costs of the schemes.
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