Junior doctors at Sagar Dutta Medical College Hospital in Kolkata have decided to stop working tomorrow. This decision comes after family members of a 30-year-old woman who passed away allegedly attacked the doctors on Friday. The police confirmed the incident and said the family became violent after the woman's death.
The doctors are upset because the government has not kept its promises about their safety and other demands. Sukanta Majumdar, the President of BJP in Bengal, said, "The demands of the doctors are not being met, no one is looking after the doctors, their voices are not being heard, and doctors are being attacked one after the other. The leadership is also attacking, so they are safe. The law and order situation of the entire state has worsened."
BJP leader Dilip Ghosh added, "This is what should happen. If the government cancels events (strikes) and protects those who are guilty, then the government should be left breathless. Such a movement should happen. The public is completely with it." He also mentioned, "Where there is no security for doctors in the hospital, how will they provide service? Attacking doctors is a fashion for some people; it becomes news. Even before this, many junior doctors went on strike, but there is no result. That is why everyone has come out on the road."
Earlier, four people were detained in connection with the attack on doctors and nurses at the hospital. Barrackpore Commissioner of Police Alok Rajoria confirmed the arrests and said, "We detained four people yesterday. Action is being taken by identifying individuals based on CCTV footage. A meeting was held today, where many issues were discussed. There were some concerns related to private security in the hospital, as well as police and hospital administration... all points were addressed."
West Bengal Health Secretary Narayan Swarup Nigam also visited the hospital to meet with the junior doctors and nurses. He held discussions with Rajoria and hospital officials, including junior doctors who had launched a cease work protest following the violence. "We have heard from the doctors and the nurses. The culprits have been arrested and from today, additional CCTVs are being installed. We will take all sorts of precautionary measures," Nigam said.
Junior doctors are medical professionals who have finished their basic medical degree and are now working in hospitals to gain more experience.
Sagar Dutta Medical College Hospital is a big hospital in Kolkata, a city in India, where people go to get treated for various illnesses.
A strike is when workers stop working to protest against something they think is unfair or to demand better conditions.
An attack here means that some people hurt or tried to hurt the doctors because they were angry or upset.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India.
The state government is the group of people who manage and make decisions for a specific state in India, like West Bengal where Kolkata is located.
Detained means that the police have taken some people into custody because they might have done something wrong.
Security measures are actions taken to make a place safer, like having more guards or cameras.
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