Mithilesh Kumar, a Jharkhand Minister and JMM candidate from Garhwa, criticized the BJP for blaming his party for "Bangladeshi infiltrators." He emphasized that border security is the central government's responsibility, not the state's. Kumar suggested that if the central government cannot manage it, they should allow the Jharkhand government to take over.
Addressing BJP's nepotism accusations, Kumar defended family involvement in politics, comparing it to other professions where children follow in their parents' footsteps.
Kumar commented on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming visit to Garhwa, expressing skepticism about the focus on development and rights, predicting discussions on Hindu-Muslim issues instead.
He criticized the misuse of central agencies during elections, urging transparency and fairness in investigations.
Kumar expressed confidence in his support from the people, highlighting improvements in basic facilities like electricity and education in Garhwa.
The elections for Jharkhand's 81 seats will occur in two phases on November 13 and 20, with counting on November 23.
Jharkhand is a state in eastern India known for its rich mineral resources and tribal culture. It was formed in the year 2000, separating from Bihar.
Mithilesh Kumar is a politician from Jharkhand, serving as a minister in the state government. He is involved in state-level politics and represents his party's interests.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the two major political parties in India. It is currently the ruling party at the central government level.
This term refers to people from Bangladesh who are accused of entering India illegally. It is a sensitive political issue, especially in states bordering Bangladesh.
Nepotism is when people in power give jobs or favors to their family members, rather than choosing the best person for the job. It is often criticized in politics and other fields.
Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India, representing the BJP. He has been in office since 2014 and is known for his development-focused policies.
Central agencies in India refer to government bodies like the CBI or ED that investigate crimes and enforce laws across the country. They are sometimes accused of being used for political purposes.
Garhwa is a district in Jharkhand, India. It is known for its natural beauty and is part of the region where the state government is working to improve basic facilities.
These are elections held in the state of Jharkhand to choose representatives for the state government. They are scheduled to take place in November.
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