ISPI, ORF, and PCNS Expand ‘The Initiative’ to Tackle Global Challenges

ISPI, ORF, and PCNS Expand ‘The Initiative’ to Tackle Global Challenges

ISPI, ORF, and PCNS Expand ‘The Initiative’ to Tackle Global Challenges

New Delhi, India – The Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) from India, and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) in Morocco have announced the expansion of ‘The Initiative’. This collaborative effort, launched in 2023, aims to address global challenges through strategic dialogue, joint research, and public engagement.

The Initiative is supported by over 400 staff and experts across three continents. A press release stated, ‘The Initiative has now entered a new phase, expanding on its initial successes with the introduction of further joint activities.’

2024 Annual Trends Report

The 2024 Annual Trends Report, the second in the series, will provide comprehensive analysis and policy recommendations on global governance, economic stability, and human security. This report will be presented at the Atlantic Dialogues conference in December 2024.

Special Issue of Global Policy Journal

A special issue of the Global Policy Journal, co-edited by Karim El Aynaoui (PCNS), Paolo Magri (ISPI), and Samir Saran (ORF), will be launched at the Raisina Dialogue in 2025. It will feature perspectives from leading global thinkers.

Major Events and Public Sessions

Major events like Rome-MED, Atlantic Dialogues, and Raisina Dialogue will continue to serve as platforms to showcase The Initiative’s findings and proposals. A co-organized public session on ‘Asia-Africa-Europe interconnectedness’ is scheduled to be held at Rome-MED on November 25, involving senior researchers and key stakeholders from each institute.

Global Emerging Leaders Exchange

The Global Emerging Leaders Exchange will be renewed this year, aiming to cultivate future leaders across diverse sectors. This program will continue through collaboration among ISPI’s Future Leaders Program (NEXT), ORF’s Raisina Young Fellows Program, and PCNS’s Emerging Leaders Program.

Statements from Leaders

Karim El Aynaoui, Paolo Magri, and Samir Saran emphasized the critical nature of their collaboration amidst ongoing global turmoil. They stated, ‘From the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic, the world is facing complex challenges that demand a concerted effort. Our partnership aims to bridge positions, create tangible solutions, and foster new connections among economies, nations, and people.’

Importance of New Infrastructure Projects

The Initiative also highlights the importance of new infrastructure projects and international strategic initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, Italy’s Mattei Plan, and Morocco’s Atlantic Initiative. These efforts aim to promote positive change and stability across Africa, Asia, and Europe.

About ISPI, ORF, and PCNS

Founded in Milan, Italy, ISPI is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank providing leading research and viable policy options. ORF, over the past 30 years, has played a seminal role in building political and policy consensus in India. PCNS is a Moroccan think tank aiming to improve economic and social public policies in Morocco and the rest of Africa.

Doubts Revealed

ISPI -: ISPI stands for the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. It’s a group in Italy that studies and talks about important world issues.

ORF -: ORF stands for the Observer Research Foundation. It’s a group in India that researches and discusses important topics affecting the world.

PCNS -: PCNS stands for the Policy Center for the New South. It’s a group in Morocco that focuses on global issues, especially those affecting the southern part of the world.

The Initiative -: ‘The Initiative’ is a project started by ISPI, ORF, and PCNS to work together on solving big problems that affect the whole world.

2024 Annual Trends Report -: This is a report that will come out in 2024, showing important trends or patterns happening around the world.

Atlantic Dialogues conference -: This is a big meeting where people from different countries come together to talk about important global issues.

Global Policy Journal -: This is a magazine that publishes articles about important policies and decisions affecting the world.

Raisina Dialogue -: This is a big conference held in India where leaders and experts discuss global issues and policies.

Rome-MED -: Rome-MED is a conference held in Rome, Italy, where people discuss issues related to the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Global Emerging Leaders Exchange -: This is a program where young leaders from different countries come together to learn and share ideas about solving global problems.

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