India has expressed approval of the Neutral Expert's decision regarding the Indus Waters Treaty, particularly concerning the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) announced that the Neutral Expert confirmed his authority to address issues related to these projects, aligning with India's stance. The decision supports India's view that the seven questions referred to the Neutral Expert fall within his competence under the Treaty.
The MEA highlighted India's consistent belief that the Neutral Expert is solely competent to resolve these differences. With his competence affirmed, the Neutral Expert will now move to the merits phase, which will result in a final decision on each of the seven differences.
India remains committed to maintaining the integrity of the Indus Waters Treaty and will continue to engage in the Neutral Expert process to ensure resolution in line with the Treaty's provisions. The MEA also stated that India does not recognize or participate in the Court of Arbitration proceedings, which it considers illegally constituted. Additionally, India and Pakistan are in communication regarding the Treaty’s modification and review.
A Neutral Expert is a person who is not on any side and is chosen to help solve disagreements. In this case, the Neutral Expert is helping India and Pakistan with their water-sharing issues.
The Indus Waters Treaty is an agreement between India and Pakistan on how to share the water from rivers that flow through both countries. It was signed in 1960 to ensure both countries get fair use of the water.
These are hydroelectric projects in India. They use the flow of rivers to generate electricity, which is important for providing power to homes and businesses.
This is a part of the Indian government that deals with India's relationships with other countries. They help manage international agreements like the Indus Waters Treaty.
The Court of Arbitration is a group that helps solve disputes between countries. However, in this case, India does not agree with their involvement and prefers the Neutral Expert's decision.
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