On January 7, Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson for India's Ministry of External Affairs, expressed condolences for the tragic loss of life and property due to a powerful earthquake in the Tibet Autonomous Region. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.1 according to the US Geological Survey, struck Shigatse, a holy city in Tibet, causing at least 95 deaths and injuring many. Tremors were felt in Nepal, Bhutan, and parts of northern India. Over 1,000 houses were reported damaged. The China Earthquake Networks Center recorded a magnitude of 6.8. The quake occurred at 9:05 am local time at a depth of 10 km. Later, a 4.3 magnitude earthquake was reported by the National Centre of Seismology in the same region at 5:52 pm IST, with a depth of 16 km.
Tibet is a region in Asia, located to the north of India. It is known for its high mountains and is often called the 'Roof of the World'.
Shigatse is a city in Tibet, which is part of China. It is the second-largest city in Tibet and is known for its beautiful monasteries.
The Ministry of External Affairs is a part of the Indian government. It handles India's relations with other countries, like sending messages of support or condolences.
Randhir Jaiswal is a spokesperson for India's Ministry of External Affairs. A spokesperson is someone who speaks on behalf of an organization or government.
The US Geological Survey is an American organization that studies the Earth, including earthquakes. They measure how strong earthquakes are and where they happen.
Magnitude is a number that tells us how strong an earthquake is. A higher number means a stronger earthquake.
The National Centre of Seismology is an Indian organization that studies earthquakes. They help to understand and report on earthquakes in India and nearby areas.
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