Hong Kong Journalists in UK Face Cyberattacks Allegedly Backed by China

Hong Kong Journalists in UK Face Cyberattacks Allegedly Backed by China

Hong Kong Journalists in UK Face Cyberattacks Allegedly Backed by China

London [UK], September 22: A news website run by Hong Kong journalists in Britain, called The Chaser, has reported being targeted by ‘government-backed attacks’. Although Chinese authorities have denied involvement, analysts believe this incident highlights the severe difficulties faced by Hong Kong journalists both at home and abroad.

Google’s Warning

Google informed The Chaser that their company email was targeted by attacks believed to be backed by a government. These attacks could involve attempts to steal passwords or personal information through harmful emails. Google noted that only 0.1% of users worldwide have faced such attacks.

The Chaser’s Response

After receiving the warning, The Chaser reviewed and strengthened their online security measures. They condemned the threats to press freedom and pledged to continue their work. The Chaser’s team, originally from Hong Kong, moved to the UK three years ago to pursue journalism freely.

Previous Incidents

Last month, The Chaser reported that the Chinese Embassy in Britain pressured a British publishing house to remove the phrase ‘Republic of China’ from textbooks about Taiwan. The Chinese Embassy in Britain did not comment on this report.

Ongoing Pressure

Journalists in Hong Kong continue to face increasing pressure from Chinese authorities. The Hong Kong Journalists Association reported that several journalists and their families have been harassed and intimidated online. Benson Wong, a political scholar from Hong Kong residing in Britain, believes these attacks signal that Hong Kong journalists are not safe from interference, even overseas.

Doubts Revealed

Hong Kong -: Hong Kong is a special region in China that used to be a British colony. It has its own rules and freedoms, different from mainland China.

UK -: UK stands for the United Kingdom, which is a country in Europe made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Cyberattacks -: Cyberattacks are when someone tries to harm or steal information from computers or networks using the internet.

China -: China is a large country in Asia with a lot of people. It has a powerful government that controls many things.

Google -: Google is a big company that helps people find information on the internet. They also help protect people from online threats.

Passwords -: Passwords are secret words or codes that people use to keep their online accounts safe.

Press freedom -: Press freedom means that journalists can write and report news without being controlled or punished by the government.

Chinese Embassy -: The Chinese Embassy is the office where Chinese government representatives work in another country, like the UK.

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island near China. It has its own government, but China claims it as part of its territory.

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