Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced the upcoming 'Durgesh Aranya Zoological Park' in Kangra district will be India's first zoo certified by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) for its sustainable initiatives.
The park is registered with IGBC for building and landscape certifications, highlighting its commitment to high environmental standards. This reflects the state's dedication to ecological balance and sustainable tourism.
The first phase of the project will cover 25 hectares, costing Rs 230 crore, and is expected to complete by the third quarter of 2025. The entire project, with a Rs 619 crore investment, aims to boost tourism in Kangra and nearby areas.
With approval from the Central Zoo Authority, the park will have 34 animal enclosures, showcasing 73 species like the Asiatic lion and monitor lizard. It will feature a nocturnal house and a wetland aviary for indigenous birds.
The park is expected to enhance tourism, create jobs, and strengthen the local economy, promoting Kangra as a premier tourist destination.
Himachal Pradesh is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and scenic landscapes. It is a popular tourist destination.
Durgesh Aranya Zoological Park is a new zoo being built in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. It is designed to be eco-friendly, meaning it will be built in a way that is good for the environment.
Eco-friendly means something that is not harmful to the environment. It helps in protecting nature and reducing pollution.
IGBC stands for Indian Green Building Council. It gives certifications to buildings and projects that are designed to be environmentally friendly.
Kangra is a district in Himachal Pradesh, India. It is known for its beautiful landscapes and is a popular tourist spot.
Rs 230 crore is a large amount of money, where 'Rs' stands for Indian Rupees, the currency of India. 1 crore is equal to 10 million.
Tourism is when people travel to different places for fun, adventure, or relaxation. It helps local businesses and economies by bringing in visitors.
Sustainable development means building and growing in a way that does not harm the environment and can be maintained for a long time.
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