In Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced a major plan to improve healthcare in the state. The Congress government plans to spend Rs 1570 crore on new medical equipment to help people get better treatment without leaving the state.
Every year, 9.50 lakh patients travel outside Himachal Pradesh for medical care, costing the state Rs 1350 crore in GDP. To address this, the government is upgrading medical colleges with robotic surgery in departments like Neurology and Oncology. New PET Scan and MRI machines will soon be available in Shimla and Kangra.
A new Cancer Care Centre of Excellence will be built in Hamirpur, costing Rs 300 crore, featuring the state's first cyclotron machine and 150 beds for cancer patients. Additionally, 69 healthcare facilities will be upgraded with better care, emergency services, and safety measures.
Special focus will be on creating in-house labs and modular operation theatres in hospitals. These improvements aim to reduce patient migration to other states and boost medical tourism. CM Sukhu assured that funds will be available to ensure world-class healthcare at people's doorsteps.
Health Minister Dr. Dhani Ram Shandil, MLAs Sanjay Awasthy and Ajay Solanki, and other officials attended the meeting.
Himachal Pradesh is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and scenic landscapes. It is a popular tourist destination.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu is the current Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh.
Rs stands for Indian Rupees, which is the currency of India. 1570 crore means 15,700 million rupees, a large amount of money being invested in healthcare.
GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is the total value of goods and services produced in a country or region. It is used to measure economic performance.
Robotic surgery is a type of surgery where doctors use special machines to perform operations with more precision. It helps in making surgeries less invasive and more accurate.
PET Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography Scan, a type of imaging test that helps doctors see how organs and tissues inside the body are working.
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a type of scan that uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of the body.
A Cancer Care Centre is a specialized hospital or facility that provides treatment and care for patients with cancer, a disease where cells in the body grow uncontrollably.
Medical tourism is when people travel to another place or country to get medical treatment, often because it is cheaper or better quality than in their home country.
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