Jagat Singh Negi, the Revenue and Horticulture Minister of Himachal Pradesh, has dismissed claims made by Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur. Thakur accused the Congress government of spending Rs 25 crore on celebrations while neglecting employees' salaries. Negi challenged Thakur to provide evidence for these claims, highlighting the BJP's past extravagant spending.
Negi accused Thakur of attempting to destabilize the government using financial power and central agencies. He emphasized that their two-year celebration was about upholding democracy and the Constitution.
Negi refuted allegations of "selling the state" through land allocations, stating they were legal and aimed at development. He criticized the previous BJP government for undervaluing public assets.
Negi expressed concerns about the BJP's push for simultaneous elections, questioning its intent and feasibility. He accused the BJP of centralizing power and undermining democracy.
Negi claimed the BJP discriminates against non-BJP states and uses divisive tactics during elections. He criticized the lack of proper debate in Parliament under BJP rule.
Himachal Pradesh is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and scenic landscapes. It is a popular tourist destination.
Jagat Singh Negi is a politician and a minister in the Himachal Pradesh government. He is a member of the Congress party.
Jairam Thakur is a politician and the leader of the opposition in Himachal Pradesh. He belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The Congress government refers to the political party in power in Himachal Pradesh, which is the Indian National Congress. It is one of the major political parties in India.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the two major political parties in India. It is currently the ruling party at the national level.
One Nation, One Election is a proposal to hold simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha (national parliament) and all state assemblies in India. It aims to reduce election costs and improve governance.
Polarization tactics refer to strategies used by political parties to divide people based on their beliefs, religion, or other differences to gain support. It often leads to increased tension and conflict among groups.
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