In Chandigarh, the Haryana State Commission for Women (HSCW) is addressing serious allegations of sexual harassment against Jind Superintendent of Police (SP) Sumit Kumar. The Commission's chairperson, Renu W. Bhatia, confirmed discussions with SP Sumit Kumar, who is accused by women police personnel. Bhatia noted that Kumar appeared to deny the charges during their meeting. An inquiry is set for November 7 to further investigate the matter.
The Commission has formally requested Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini to transfer SP Jind to ensure a fair investigation. This recommendation follows a hearing in New Delhi where Kumar presented his case. The Commission stressed the importance of an unbiased inquiry, free from the officer's influence.
Wrestler-turned-politician Vinesh Phogat has also voiced her support for the victims, questioning the commitment of the Haryana government and Centre to protect women in the police force. She emphasized the need for justice and accountability for the accused.
The Haryana State Commission for Women is a group that helps protect and support women's rights in the state of Haryana, India. They look into issues like harassment and ensure women are treated fairly.
Jind SP refers to the Superintendent of Police in Jind, a district in Haryana. The SP is a senior police officer responsible for maintaining law and order in the area.
Sexual harassment is when someone behaves in a way that makes another person feel uncomfortable or unsafe, often involving unwanted comments or actions of a sexual nature.
Renu W. Bhatia is the Chairperson of the Haryana State Commission for Women. She leads the commission in addressing issues related to women's rights and safety.
Nayab Singh Saini is a political leader in Haryana. In this context, CM likely refers to Chief Minister, but it seems there might be a mistake as the current Chief Minister of Haryana is Manohar Lal Khattar.
Vinesh Phogat is a famous Indian wrestler from Haryana. She is known for her achievements in sports and often speaks out on social issues, supporting justice and safety for women.
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