Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel participated in the Veer Bal Diwas celebrations at Thaltej Gurudwara in Ahmedabad. This day honors the sacrifice of Sikh children, especially the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singhji, who died protecting their faith and nation.
Introduced in 2022, Veer Bal Diwas is celebrated annually on December 26, inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It highlights the courage and devotion of Sikh martyrs. Chief Minister Patel emphasized India's traditions of sacrifice and penance, which maintain self-respect and dignity while safeguarding national values.
Patel stated that Veer Bal Diwas instills a "Nation First" spirit in youth, inspiring them to uphold cultural heritage and values. He praised Prime Minister Modi for integrating traditions with Indian civilization, ensuring the recognition of India's rich heritage.
This year, the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar, recognizing children's achievements and bravery, was presented on Veer Bal Diwas instead of January 26.
During the event, Patel participated in Shabad Kirtan, offered prayers, and engaged in Langar Seva, reflecting Sikhism's spirit of selfless service. Dignitaries like Mayor Pratibha Jain, MP Dinesh Makwana, and others attended, along with many Sikh devotees.
Gujarat CM stands for Gujarat Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is the head of the government in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Bhupendra Patel is the current Chief Minister of Gujarat, a state in India. He is a political leader responsible for the administration of the state.
Veer Bal Diwas is a day to honor the bravery and sacrifice of young Sikh martyrs, especially the sons of Guru Gobind Singhji, who were martyred for their faith.
Sikh martyrs are people from the Sikh community who have sacrificed their lives for their faith and beliefs. They are remembered for their courage and dedication.
Guru Gobind Singhji was the tenth Sikh Guru, a spiritual leader, warrior, and poet. He is known for founding the Khalsa, a warrior community, and for his teachings.
Thaltej Gurudwara is a Sikh place of worship located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Gurudwaras are where Sikhs gather to pray and participate in community services.
Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He is a political leader who leads the government of India and makes important decisions for the country.
The 'Nation First' spirit means putting the interests of the country above personal or individual interests. It encourages people to work for the betterment of the nation.
The Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar is an award given by the Indian government to children for their exceptional achievements in various fields like bravery, sports, and arts.
Shabad Kirtan is a form of devotional singing in Sikhism. It involves singing hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of the Sikhs.
Langar Seva is a community kitchen service in Sikhism where free meals are served to everyone, regardless of their background. It promotes equality and community service.
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